UMR Mycoplasmoses des ruminants
ANSES – VetAgro Sup
Main scientific areas
Our team has developed a long-term expertise in diagnosis and epidemiology of mycoplasmoses in ruminants. We regularly contribute to develop or validate new diagnosis methods/kits.
We coordinate a network of 40 diagnosis laboratories (Vigimyc), for which we routinely perform identification of Mycoplasma species or subspecies from clinical samples. This allows us to i) survey the epidemiological trends or emergence of mycoplasmoses and ii) maintain a large collection of isolates with documented history that are useful for our research programs.
We have recently developed an expertise in determining antimicrobial resistance profiles of clinically relevant mycoplasma species and have mapped a number of mutations responsible for it.
Our works on isolates diversity and virulence include:
- Contribution in description of mycoplasmas mobilome
- Contribution in description of new species
Description of the role of exopolysaccharides and capsular polysaccharides submitted to phase variation in the host interaction
Group Leader
Florence Tardy
Permanent staff members
Chloé Ambroset
Adélie Colin
Maryne Jaÿ
Véronique Lefriand
Dominique Le Grand
Catherine Mottet
Agnès Tricot
PhD students, post docs and contract staff
Anses-Laboratoire de Lyon
31 avenue Tony Garnier
F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07
Tél: +33 (0)4 78 69 68 43